Ryan Kelley wrote:
You're describing exactly what streams do, displaying the latest activity of everything you're following with snippets of the original content and the latest reply or comment on an item:
The goal of a stream is really to provide a comprehensive list of recent activity so that members can quickly review the headline, body copy snippet, and latest reply to see if they'd like to participate. I know it's not presented in list format you're looking for like the "Recent Content" view, but I'd argue that the body content and context of the latest reply is really helpful when skimming al the latest content within a stream, and you'll notice that it alerts you when you've viewed all the latest activity since your last visit to the stream page with an "End of new updates" break:
It seems we still cannot comment in between a quoted text and we still have to insert the quoted text multiple times to be ale tpo write inbetween.
The problem is that the strean view is far too large and requires too much scrolling which is an absolute nogo in webdesign - its simply too cumbersome. Furthermore we have those nonsense messages as (as already written) there are many "activities" I simply don't care of and so I don't want to see. I guess if the stream view could be customized to a nice list view so I see a lot of whats going on on the first page (this would also mean that it has to be placed as far on top of the page as possible) it sure would be something useful, but as it looks now its unfortunately of no use to me.
At first glance I thought that the Inbox view could be something of value, but I soon realized the the signal/noise ratio there is low, too, I don't see which place a message was posted at and when I click the entry I am not sent to the thread and the last post. So nil return again.
The only way to access this forum in a (for me) useful and acceptable way seems to be a recent content widet placed to the top of the screen. Something I have created here WE_Start looks like the best one can come up with (I guess you can access the group even if its set to secret). I tried to place some kind of navigation area in the left column as I was used to have, but the necessary widget seems not to be availale anymore. The main widget is showing me at a glance whats going on in all areas I am a member of but the very big drawback is that I don't see the last poster (as was the case before the design change) and that I land at the very first post when I click and not on the last one which is of interest as was the case before the change.
I really would like to bookmark this group of mine and only work from there. PM is dead anyway because of this "you follow me & I follow you" rule and there really is nothing useful I would miss from my inbox.
You were correct that the recent content widget for the Mathcad Overview page was not properly displaying sub-community content, but that has been adjusted:
I'm also working with Jive Support to see if we can introduce a "more" button to the recent content widget.
Thanks, much appreciated. The more button would be very useful, but as far as I remember quite some time ago you (or was it Dan?) once wrote that it would not be possible to introduce such a button in the recent content widget. But the number of displayed items can be set up to 100 (at least I could not set it to anything higher). This of course means that when Brent or other PTC staff floods HomeworkHelp or CivilEngineers which they do from time to time, we again are lost.
What about the information shown and the behaviour when clicking on an entry in a recent content. Any chance of changing the name of the initial poster for the name of the last poster and let a click on the enry send you to the last post?? There really is an urgent need for that change!