I am a mentor for team FRC 3173 - IgKnighters. We very much want to use Winchill to share Creo CAD files. I am having troubles loading a first CREO CAD file into Windchill for others to access. I am able use the CREO Server Management function to log into the Winchill server. I am not able to get the Red arrow pointing to the server but rather a blue square shows up on the Server Management sub screen. I can see the Windchill file structure in CREO... but am not able to save any thing to the work space... View the Workspace in CREO... or upload\checkin any parts into Windchill for others to access. I have watched the Robotalks several times... and can not figure out what I am doing wrong. Is it possible for PTC to log into our Windchill site to confirm that some one can copy a CAD file to our Windchill site? Our site is" FRC 3173 - IgKnighters. Attached are some screen shots. I am a project manager on the site... Is there possibly some type of a role that I additionally have to add myself to in Windchill above Project Manager role? Please advise on steps to try next.