Hello Bryon,
Thanks for the reply. The problem is solved.
If you open the original "pvad_xlte.prf" file with notepad, you can see the below path mentioned in it.
#Executable: D:\ptc\productview_adapters\bin\jt2pv.exe
#Recipe: D:\ptc\productview_adapters\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp
But actually the ptc software is installed in "C" drive
I did 2 things here
First, I removed the "#" from both paths
Second, I changed the "D" to "C" in the paths
Executable: C:\ptc\productview_adapters\bin\jt2pv.exe
Recipe: C:\ptc\productview_adapters\recipe\jt2pv_import3d.rcp
Now I could read the jt file in my computer