Once again, I am battling Creo to do the simplest things anyone can do on a computer. I don't get it—did Creo developers make it a point to make simple tasks as complicated and counterintuitive as they could imagine?
All I need to do: to save an assembly file in a different folder. When I select Save As, a window opens for saving a file—but it doesn't let me save the file! I have no idea why this window even opens up. I can do complex tasks in every other program, except for Creo it seems, which saps me of patience and time for the simplest tasks anyone can possibly imagine.
Not a buyer, Creo. Not a buyer.
Update: Apparently, Creo doesn't like it when I try to save a file with the same name but in a different folder. "Save As" works as expected if I change the file name, but apparently Creo developers assumed that no one would ever want to save a file with the same name but in a different folder.
Why, that would just be of no use to anyone, I suppose. I would love to look at their design documents.