Well. I copied your script into mine, with strange results. The graphs are correct, I belive (I can check with the inverted equation, which should always give H = 0.4). But the tabled values are mostly not correct, and those that are, may be coincidence. Anyway, I've attached my worksheet for your appraisal.
The reason is that you have to switch the arguments of I(), either when you define I() or when you call it.
In your very first post you said you had a function I(q,x) and want a table with x (which is the second argument of the function) as rows. So my solutions took this for granted.
In your sheet you have defined I(x,gamma) and obviously you want a table with x (which is now the first argument of the function) as rows. So of course you have to switch the order of the arguments to get it right.
If you would use my last approach, you wouldn't need the auxiliary function for the very same reason either.