For the £3k this upgrade is likely to be, I may as well buy Solidworks and run that in parallel. I'd get a thickness checker, basic moldflow tools, better mesh/shell/thickness tools and swept solids. Not to mention extra data formats.
I'm disappointed by the absence of a new tool for swept solids.
Have they improved shell, thicken or mirror yet? I'm bored of excluding tiny features from thicken operations manually.
I figured when direct modeling was launched that they'd eventually give it away, so that's no surprise. It's pretty easy to seed-and-boundary copy/remove a feature already, making this something of a non-feature.
I wonder if they've updated the UI for the "advanced features" and integrated them properly, or if they've just not bothered again.
If something useful like AAX or ISDX was included with the Creo 3 I might fork out for an upgrade. As it is I can't see how Creo 3 will be a good way to spend £3k. Maybe if GE buys PTC next year they'll re-evaluate their position and provide better value.